From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:27 AM
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:27 AM
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:14 AM
UXLx Video Pass gives you access to the videos from all the keynotes that took place on May 13 2011. You’ll get to watch more than 6 hours of videos with 9 indudstry-leading speakers: Louis Rosenfeld, Christian Crumlish, Nick Finck, Stephen Anderson, Kristina Halvorson, Josh Clark, Christopher F...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:14 AM
Speaker: Donna Spencer Would you like your design team to collaborate better? Are you looking to gather more valuable insights from your focus groups and interviews? Design games are a fun, technology-neutral way of gathering design insights for your projects. In this presentation, I will show y...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:14 AM
Speaker: Jared Spool Experience design is no longer a nice-to-have luxury of a few organizations with tons of money and exceptional visionary management. It’s become commonplace for organizations that build products and web sites. Experience Design is a centerpiece of boardroom discussions and qu...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 5:14 AM
Speaker: Susan Weinschenk We think that people are logical and rational, and that their decisions are made by careful thinking. But the reality is that the actions that people take at websites – whether they decide to register, buy, or take the action we would like them to take — are made ...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:40 AM
A Cyclorama is a photo studio with curved walls that gives your pictures and videos the illusion of an endless room. This project is definitely an advanced home improvement, so sit back and let Ashley show you exactly how it’s done.
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:40 AM
Replacing your old kitchen faucet is a lot easier than you may think. With a couple of tools and the inspiration to save money from the plumber, Mandi will demonstrate how you can have a new faucet in no time.
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:40 AM
Changing the wax on your board from time to time is something every surfer deals with. Watch Eli teach you the best ways to get that old wax off your surfboard so you can focus more on the waves and not your grip.
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:40 AM
Removing old grip tape from your skateboard is not as difficult as you might think. Lauren will demonstrate the simple tricks you need to know to get that old tape off. Get fresh grip on your board so you can rock the skate park.
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:04 AM
Bonjour et bienvenue dans le journal de la semaine. Au sommaire de ce numéro, des coccinelles sous influence, des aéroports sous la neige, des faux souvenirs et des émissions de wallaby. Coccinelle sous influence Garde manger puis garde du corps, tel est l'étrange destin de l...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 4:04 AM
À propos de la nouvelle loi bioéthique Le 23 juin 2011, le Parlement adoptait la nouvelle loi bioéthique qui encadre l’assistance médicale à la procréation, les greffes et dons d'organes ou les questions relatives aux neurosciences... Le point sur le volet relatif à la procréation avec Pier...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 3:50 AM
Dans cet exercice de maths gratuit en vidéo, je te montre comment factoriser une expression à l’aide d'un développement ; bizarre n'est-ce pas ;) ? Premièrement, tu remarques que l'expression en fonction de "x" n'est pas déjà factorisée, c'est-à-dire mise sous forme d&#...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 3:50 AM
Dans cet exercice de maths gratuit en vidéo, nous allons utiliser la multiplication par l’expression conjuguée du dénominateur pour démontrer que deux nombres sont égaux. Multiplier par l'expression conjuguée du dénominateur de la fraction comportant une racine carrée en-dessous, à...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 3:50 AM
Toute l’Astuce Détaillée dans cette vidéo : Résumé de l'Astuce dans cette vidéo : Dans cet exercice de maths gratuit en vidéo, je te montre une astuce permettant de factoriser un polynôme du second degré (je te rappelle aussi ce que c'est). Factorisation d'un poly...
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 2:22 AM
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From: iTunes on Sun, Jul 10 2011 2:06 AM
Undervisningsmateriale for modul 4 studerende ved ergoterapeutuddannelsen, UCL, som del af et opgavebaseret læringsforløb. For yderligere oplysninger, kontakt Lise Lau Pedersen,
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From: iTunes on Sat, Jul 09 2011 9:37 PM
In this episode of Street Dance Academy. We have a class with international dance teacher Steeve Austin. He’s telling you a good trick to stick to your goals. This class is for inspirational and educational purpose only.. Choreography shouldn’t be reproduced for shows, classes nor compe...
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From: iTunes on Sat, Jul 09 2011 7:16 PM
En este programa hacemos un review de la nueva versión de Magic Bullet Looks 2, una actualización bastante interesante para una de las herramientas más importantes en la producción de contenidos con el look de cine digital.
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From: iTunes on Sat, Jul 09 2011 7:16 PM
En este programa platicamos acerca de nuestras primeras impresiones con la Sony FS100, las características de la cámara y como resolvimos algunos de los puntos que se le han atacado y mostramos un material filmado con esta cámara en 1 hora y media y editado en otra hora. Equipo Utilizado: -Sony ...
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