From: C-SPAN on Tue, Feb 08 2011 10:55 PM
President Clinton announced a five-part initiative to ensure that our U.S. Armed Forces receive the resources and the support they need to continue their high standard of performance. Under the plan, the president will ask Congress to add $25 billion to the planned defense budgets over ...
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From: YouTube on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:49 PM
Final wave of this 5/3/1 cycle, got a new 10-rep PR on Military Press. I do dip at the knees after every rep but thats mainly to keep balance. To be honest, my actual push press isn’t a lot better than this anyway. For more go to:
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From: YouTube on Tue, Feb 08 2011 3:12 PM
A military base in Utah is closed and strange soundless objects observed overhead by locals.
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From: C-SPAN on Tue, Feb 08 2011 3:02 AM
Mr. Weible talked about the U.S. and British military buildup in the Persian Gulf region for possible military action against Iraq. He also took audience calls, faxes and electronic mail.
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From: C-SPAN on Tue, Feb 08 2011 3:00 AM
Panelists discussed the continuing evolution of the military and its leadership. They stressed the importance of military readiness and the perceived erosion of military defense. Following their discussion, panelists answered questions from the audience.
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From: C-SPAN on Tue, Feb 08 2011 12:12 AM
General Bunting spoke about women’s enrollment in military academies, and women in the military. He also took media questions. VMI is a state school and was required to admit female students. During the last 11 minutes of this program there are audio difficulties.
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From: YouTube on Mon, Feb 07 2011 9:54 PM
Gary Moore Guitar solos from Military Man. The song is edited to the guitar solos. 2nd solo starts at 1:53 in. First solo is smooth and luxurious, the 2nd Gary smokes!!
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From: C-SPAN on Mon, Feb 07 2011 6:41 PM
General Vaught described the background of the military service of women. She stated that women started serving in the military during the revolutionary war. She talked about the difficulties women have faced when they have attempted to serve in the military. In the past women were den...
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From: C-SPAN on Mon, Feb 07 2011 4:48 PM
Secretary Cohen and General Shelton briefed reporters about the capture of three American servicemen and other aspects of the military action in Yugoslavia. Secretary Cohen said that the NATO forces are doing a magnificent job in the military action, and NATO intends to "stay the course...
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From: C-SPAN on Mon, Feb 07 2011 11:47 AM
Representative Hoyer talked about military intervention for humanitarian purposes. He focused on how humanitarianism is in our character and should not be separate from foreign policy. He also stressed that to secure U.S. credibility the military must back up foreign policy statements. ...
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From: C-SPAN on Mon, Feb 07 2011 7:12 AM
Bills Introduced: 13 public bills, H.R. 4475-4487, were introduced. Page H3308 Reports Filed: Reports were filed today as follows: H.R. 4475, making appropriations for the Department of Transportation and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001 (H. Rept. 10...
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 9:17 PM
Mr. Kitfield will discuss the United States military options with regard to attacks on the United States.
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 8:47 PM
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 4:05 PM
Ms Clarke and General Rosa briefed reporters on military operations in Afghanistan, a military training accident in New York, and the potential trial of suspected terrorist detainees by military tribunal. Following brief remarks they answered questions from the reporters.
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 9:26 AM
The panelists talked about the basics of military reporting, including how journalists can effectively cover the military during wartime and in combat. Following prepared remarks, they responded to questions from the audience.
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 11:13 PM
Senator Kerry talked about the U.S. military and combating terrorism. He reiterated his four foreign policy imperatives: strong alliances, energy independence, effective diplomacy, and a modern military. This speech focused on modernizing the armed forces to meet new threats. The sen...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 5:58 PM
This portion begins abruptly. The program is incomplete. Service chiefs testified about funding requests for military operations overseas. Among the topics they addressed were reasons for the estimated $5 billion increases in requests, providing adequate and replacement equipment to f...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 5:18 PM
Mr. Kaplan talked about the U.S. military and its operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, the changes called for by President Bush and Secretary Rumsfeld, and the military’s impact on U.S. foreign policy. He also responded to telephone calls, faxes, and electronic mail from viewers.
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 5:00 PM
Participants talked about the control and dissemination of information on military operations during combat. They also talked about relations between the military and the press, efforts to combat terrorism, lessons learned in Iraq, and the use of public information channels to achieve m...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 2:04 PM
Subcommittee members heard testimony on the care of service members injured and wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan. Service members testified about their experiences in the theater of operations and about the state of military medical care. Military officials also testified about the qualit...
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