From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 5:50 AM
After an appearance on NBC’s Meet the Press, Senator Warner responded to questions from reporters. Senator Warner, who recently returned from a trip to Iraq, spoke to reporters about the situation there. He emphasized the importance of neutralizing Saddam Hussein and establishing an Ir...
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 5:20 AM
After appearing on Fox News Sunday, Senator Lieberman responded to questions from reporters. He said that he supported the decision to go to war in Iraq, but criticized the Bush administration for not planning and preparing for post-war Iraq, and for not working harder to enlist U.S. al...
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 5:13 AM
President Bush addressed the 85th annual convention of the American Legion. He talked about the war on terrorism, the Iraq War and that country’s reconstruction. He also talked about the Israel-Palestinian Authority conflict.
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 5:06 AM
Following Mr. Koppel’s recent return from reporting on Iraq, Mr. Kalb interviewed him about his experiences during the Iraq War. They talked about the imbedding of journalists in military units, live coverage, and other issues of news reporting. Mr. Koppel answered audience members...
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 5:01 AM
War photographers showed slides of photographs they took during the Iraq war. They also answered audience members' questions.
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 4:29 AM
Mr. Kristol talked about the book he co-authored, The War Over Iraq. He also talks about the allegations that administration officials leaked the name of an undercover CIA officer, and other news topics. He also responded to viewer comments and questions.
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 4:14 AM
The British House of Commons debated the war with Iraq. Conservative Party members introduced a motion calling for an independent judicial inquiry into the government’s decision to go to war. The debate included statements by Conservative Party Foreign Affairs Spokesman Michael Ankram a...
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From: C-SPAN on Sun, Feb 06 2011 1:13 AM
President Bush spoke to an audience composed primarily of ambassadors from many countries that support the global war on terror. The president talked about the importance of the war on terror and the rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq. He also reiterated that there could be no middle gr...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 11:14 PM
Mr. Timmerman talked about two of his books, The French Betrayal of America and Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America, both published by Crown Forum. In the first book, the author argues that the full extent of the relationship between French President Jacques Chirac and form...
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From: World Star Hip Hop on Sat, Feb 05 2011 10:21 PM
" The second police-conduct trial in as many months is under way in New York City. The officer is accused of beating an Iraq war veteran and then lying to cover up the attack" -
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 10:04 PM
Democratic members of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee talked with reporters about the committee’s report on pre-war intelligence, calling the National Intelligence Estimate deeply flawed for not knowing that there were no biological and nuclear weapons in Iraq. They said the ch...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 10:04 PM
James Bamford appeared on the Diane Rehm Show to talk about his latest book A Pretext for War: 9/11, Iraq, and the Abuse of America’s Intelligence Agencies, published by Doubleday. The book covers America's intelligence community and their approach to information leading up to the...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 9:40 PM
The British House of Commons debated British pre-war intelligence on Iraq. Prime Minister Blair and both Opposition Leaders participated. The debate was initiated by Conservative Leader Michael Howard in response to last week’s release of the Butler Report. February 3, 2004 Prime Mini...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 7:55 PM
Sec. Rumsfeld spoke to reporters about the accomplishments in the War on Terror. He described U.S. successes in ousting the Taliban in Afghanistan, in limiting nuclear development in Libya, and in invading Iraq. He discussed changes in the U.S. military since the end of the Cold War an...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 7:25 PM
Mr. Duefler and General McMenamin testified about a report on pre-war intelligence in Iraq and the nature and sophistication of Iraqi weapons programs in the period from the Persian Gulf War to the present. The report found that programs for the production and distribution of weapons of ...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 1:43 PM
Mr. Schechter was interviewed about the documentary he directed, "Weapons of Mass Deception: The Media and War Coverage." He said his film shows how U.S. media, prior to the current Gulf War, did not oppose the war and presented administration reasons for invading Iraq without question. He also ...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 1:09 PM
"The Geneva Conventions and the Rules of War in the Post 9-11 and Iraq World" conference panel titled, "Role of Private Contractors in 21st Century War," examined the role of private contractors in modern war and whether the Geneva Conventions should extend to civilians operating in support of m...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 1:09 PM
Moderated by Sir Harold Evans, the panelists talked about the topic, "The War in Iraq: Patriotism, Propaganda, and the Making of Public Opinion." Topics included media coverage before, during, and after the Iraq War. There was heated discussion about some of the stories, such as the Abu Ghraib p...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 1:08 PM
The Institute for Policy Studies held a discussion on how the U.S. could end the war in Iraq and withdraw troops from the region. Among the topics they addressed were promises made about the future of Iraq before and during military operations in Iraq, the state of Iraqi reconstruction,...
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From: C-SPAN on Sat, Feb 05 2011 9:23 AM
The Iraq War Reader: History, Documents, Opinions, published by Touchstone, is a compilation of essays, articles, and opinions on the history and future of Iraq and the Middle East. The two editors, Micah Sifry and Christopher Cerf, took part in a panel discussion about their book alon...
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