From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 9:57 PM
Former Intelligence Committee chairman Senator Graham talked about U.S. intelligence and the Iraq War. He was delivering a series of speeches on the Senate floor during the week to call for reform of the intelligence community based on failures before the September 11 attacks and about I...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 9:44 PM
Mr. Kristol spoke about justifications for war in Iraq, the case made for war by President Bush, and the quality of pre-war intelligence. He also responded to viewer comments and questions.
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 8:21 PM
Road to the White House featured remarks made by President George W. Bush and Senator John Kerry prior to the current war in Iraq. On October 7, 2002, President Bush made a speech in Cincinnati, Ohio, in which he outlined his case for war with Iraq. Congress was scheduled to vote sev...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 6:16 PM
Mr. Prados talked about his book, Hoodwinked: The Documents That Reveal How Bush Sold Us a War, published by New Press. In the book, the author examines President Bush’s case for the war in Iraq, and compares the administration's public statements to various documents he has assem...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 10:01 AM
The Institute for Policy Studies held a discussion on how the U.S. could end the war in Iraq and withdraw troops from the region. Among the topics they addressed were promises made about the future of Iraq before and during military operations in Iraq, the state of Iraqi reconstruction,...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 10:01 AM
Moderated by Sir Harold Evans, the panelists talked about the topic, "The War in Iraq: Patriotism, Propaganda, and the Making of Public Opinion." Topics included media coverage before, during, and after the Iraq War. There was heated discussion about some of the stories, such as the Abu Ghraib p...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 7:46 AM
Rep. John Conyers, Jr., and other Democrats hold a public meeting concerning the "Downing Street Memo" and pre-war intelligence on Iraq. Witnesses attending the meeting talked about the documents, the Bush administration policy planning following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 4:55 AM
Mr. Martin spoke about the war in Iraq and the significance of the death of the 2000th American soldier. He said that public support for a war decreases in almost direct relation to the increase in casualties. The guest also discussed possible troop withdrawal as well as a report about ...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 4:55 AM
Mr. Martin spoke about the war in Iraq and the significance of the death of the 2000th American soldier. He said that public support for a war decreases in almost direct relation to the increase in casualties. The guest also discussed possible troop withdrawal as well as a report about ...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 4:03 AM
Representative Granger, who has been to Iraq twice and is a supporter of the Bush Administration’s policy in Iraq, spoke about the Iraq war. She discussed defense appropriations and authorization bills for fiscal year 2006. Representative Granger responded to questions and comments fro...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 4:01 AM
President Bush addressed the nation from the Oval Office about the Iraq War. In his remarks he talked about progress made toward political and military stabilization in the country, recent Iraqi elections, and the future U.S. commitment to Iraq. He also acknowledged several mistakes an...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 3:37 AM
A town hall meeting was held on the war in Iraq. Representative Murtha talked about his decision in December 2005 to oppose the Iraq War and call for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. He addressed reports that the Department of Defense blamed him for low military recruitment levels. H...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 3:14 AM
Mr. Clemons moderated a half-day forum on the future of U.S. foreign policy. Participants talked about successes and failures in building post-Cold War strategies, assessing and meeting emerging threats to global security, and current policies in combating terrorism and operations in Ir...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 1:01 AM
Moderated by Marjorie Miller, panel members discussed the topic, "Iraq: Where Do We Go from Here?" Topics included the insurgency, the U.S. military occupation, the Iraqi government, the varieties of Islamic politics, U.S. foreign policy, and the future of Iraq. After their presentations the pa...
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From: C-SPAN on Fri, Jan 07 2011 12:29 AM
Jackie Spinner gave the commencement address to the graduating class of Lakeland College at the Todd Wehr Center. Jackie Spinner spent 13 months in Iraq covering the war and chronicled that experience in her book, written with her twin sister Jenny, Tell Them I Didn’t Cry: A Young Jour...
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From: C-SPAN on Thu, Jan 06 2011 11:54 PM
Colonel Sassaman talked about his experiences during the war in Iraq and the difficulties soldiers had in determining appropriate tactics and levels of force. He is a West Point graduate whose military career ended after an incident involving Iraqi civilians. He spoke about that inciden...
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From: C-SPAN on Thu, Jan 06 2011 11:30 PM
Representative Woolsey talked about a debate in the House on Iraq war policy expected to take place the next day. She also responded to telephone calls and electronic mail.
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From: C-SPAN on Thu, Jan 06 2011 10:45 PM
Etan Thomas and Anthony Arnove talked about the war in Iraq and the politics of the Bush administration. Mr. Thomas, who plays center for the Washington Wizards basketball team, is the author of a book of political poetry titled More than an Athlete: Poems by Etan Thomas, published by M...
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From: C-SPAN on Thu, Jan 06 2011 9:20 PM
The guest talked about the war in Iraq and what she learned when embedded recently with Army special forces and Navy Seals. She responded to telephone calls and electronic mail.
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From: C-SPAN on Thu, Jan 06 2011 7:55 PM
Senator Dorgan talked about congressional oversight of pre-war intelligence in Iraq and on terrorist threats against the U.S. The National Intelligence Estimate report published in several newspapers over the past weekend concluded that the Iraq war had increased the terrorist threat since the Se...
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