From: YouTube on Sat, Feb 26 2011 9:25 AM
Special English-language interview with Senators John McCain and Joseph Lieberman during a Lebanon congressional delegation. (Future TV) (February 22, 2011)
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From: iTunes on Thu, Feb 24 2011 5:03 PM
02-20-2011AD Mid-east Bible Prophecy Revs Up Israel Hamas, Hezbollah, Egypt, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Russia, Bible Prophecy in relation to current events in these Last Days before the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ (Messiah) of Israel, Pas...
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From: YouTube on Wed, Feb 23 2011 12:47 PM
Created by Frosthate
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From: YouTube on Wed, Feb 23 2011 2:13 AM What happened on 9/11? Who was responsible? Who commissioned the attacks? What kind of sick monster who has enough wealth would finance such a devastating and cruel act of pure evil? Well, my friends, the answer is simple. The mastermind behind 9/11 this whole time was Michael Ja...
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From: YouTube on Mon, Feb 21 2011 4:24 PM
Kalashnikov, Warriors, of, the, Hezbollah
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From: YouTube on Sun, Feb 20 2011 12:18 AM
Support the USA, Israel and the Republic of South Korea
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From: YouTube on Sat, Feb 19 2011 10:53 PM What happened on 9/11? Who was responsible? Who commissioned the attacks? What kind of sick monster who has enough wealth would finance such a devastating and cruel act of pure evil? Well, my friends, the answer is simple. The mastermind behind 9/11 this whole time was Michael Ja...
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From: YouTube on Thu, Feb 17 2011 11:10 PM What happened on 9/11? Who was responsible? Who commissioned the attacks? What kind of sick monster who has enough wealth would finance such a devastating and cruel act of pure evil? Well, my friends, the answer is simple. The mastermind behind 9/11 this whole time was Michael Ja...
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From: YouTube on Thu, Feb 17 2011 4:49 PM
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah: Twenty years ago, everybody was talking about the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, and nobody even imagined that anyone in Lebanon could possibly take over the north of Palestine, or the Galilee. This was not only beyond anyone’s realistic hopes, but beyond anyone's i...
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From: YouTube on Wed, Feb 16 2011 8:20 PM
The IDF is stepped up its vigilance along the northern border and Israeli embassies went on alert over the weekend as Hezbollah marked the third anniversary of the assassination of Nasrallah’s deputy Imad Mughniyeh. Mughniyeh was killed by a car bomb in Damascus on February 12, 2008. He was Hezb...
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From: YouTube on Wed, Feb 16 2011 6:07 AM
This is a hilarious video of BBC Persian from Feb 14, 2011 when they were trying to fool their viewers about an anti-govt protest yet again!! But this time the Iranians were too smart to fall into their trap!!
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From: YouTube on Wed, Feb 16 2011 4:35 AM
Israeli embassies throughout the world have received several suspected terror threats, the Israel Foreign Ministry said in a statement Tuesday.
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From: ClipSyndicate on Tue, Feb 15 2011 1:13 AM
Six years after the murder of his father, Lebanon’s outgoing premier Saad Hariri was Monday to announce a shift into opposition ranks after Hezbollah forced the collapse of his frail government. Duration:  00:56
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From: Zimbio on Mon, Feb 14 2011 11:53 AM
Hezbollah scored a major political win ahead of crucial elections with the release of four generals detained for nearly four years in connection with the murder of ex-premier Rafiq Hariri, experts say. One of the freed men, former security services director Jamil Sayyed, has been speaking to AFP...
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From: Zimbio on Mon, Feb 14 2011 5:18 AM
Israel and Lebanese militant group Hezbollah have carried out a prisoner exchange, two years after a devastating war sparked by the capture of two soldiers. The bodies of the two Israeli soldiers were handed over at the Naqura border crossing. (AFP News - English)
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From: Zimbio on Sun, Feb 13 2011 10:40 PM
Tens of thousands of Hezbollah supporters turned out to rally against Israel’s three-day assault against Gaza. The militant group's leader Hassan Nasrallah called on Palestinians to launch a new uprising. (AFP TV World)
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From: Zimbio on Sun, Feb 13 2011 4:30 PM
US Vice President Joe Biden said on Friday that Washington will determine its aid to Lebanon based on the outcome of a tightly contested legislative election. Biden’s trip is the first by a US vice president in 26 years. It comes two weeks before the election which polls predict give Hezbollah a ...
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From: Zimbio on Sun, Feb 13 2011 3:18 PM
It’s a win for a pro-Western bloc over Hezbollah and its allies at the ballot box in Lebanon. The Sunni coalition have landed 71 seats against Hezbollah's 57. On Monday, US President Barack Obama welcomed the election results. (AFP TV World)
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From: Zimbio on Sun, Feb 13 2011 3:11 PM
Lebanese voters flocked to the polls on Sunday morning in a high-stakes election that could see an alliance led by the Shiite militant group Hezbollah defeat the current ruling Western-backed coalition. (AFP TV World)
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From: Zimbio on Sun, Feb 13 2011 3:41 AM
Lebanon’s drug exports are reported to be on the rise again. The rebound of the drug trade is heightening tensions along the border with Israel, in particular between the Israeli government and Hezbollah. (Dec 23) (AP Video: Plus)
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