From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 31 2011 2:06 PM
gotti and blue line pit
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From: YouTube on Sun, Jan 30 2011 12:18 PM
She gave birth on Saturday 29th January at 10:45am to 4 babies.
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From: YouTube on Sun, Jan 30 2011 6:44 AM
This is my first time to see a rabbit giving birth. It was so amazing! It was also Rabbit’s first time in giving birth In the video, after Rabbit rested, I shut off my cam. Then came the 8th, hehe. I made her a nest box right after.
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From: YouTube on Fri, Jan 28 2011 6:48 AM
Favi helping Pepa give birth to first pair of kids
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From: YouTube on Fri, Jan 28 2011 4:51 AM
There are two pauses in the middle of the video because I was naming the babies. And when the second one arrives, sorry if you couldn’t see it very well, I dont know why she went to the garden. If you want to have twins, buy the fertility treatment in the lifetime happiness. It cost 10000...
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From: YouTube on Fri, Jan 28 2011 2:04 AM
Slow Motion of A Person Getting Shot and all the effects and giblets involved
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From: YouTube on Thu, Jan 27 2011 9:35 PM
A new mother, featured in One Born Every Minute, reflects on her experience of giving birth at Riverside Methodist Hospital. http
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From: YouTube on Thu, Jan 27 2011 2:17 AM
Woke up one morning to find one of my female Guppies had given birth. All I could find were these two, and she was still pretty plump, so she went into a breeder net along with some fake plants to provide some shelter for the new fry that she might still be giving birth to.
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From: YouTube on Thu, Jan 27 2011 1:33 AM
"Scoopy" started giving birth like 3hours ago.. & it’s still ongoing as i took this 3min quick vid under infra red light (for minimal distraction for her) Hope you like my vids and do subscribe to my channel to receive updates on her and the babies :)
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From: YouTube on Wed, Jan 26 2011 6:05 PM
well this was a experience
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From: YouTube on Tue, Jan 25 2011 4:51 PM
Ku wants Toru to be able to meet Miyako, his deceased mother who passed away not too long after giving birth to him. In order to do this, she performs the Spirit passing. However, the Spirit Passing is a forbidden spell, and Ebisu makes Ku pay for this crime...
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From: YouTube on Tue, Jan 25 2011 4:06 PM
husky pups
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:38 PM
Our guinea pig - Honey Bear - giving birth to 3 babies. The first one (white) was already born when we grabbed the camera.
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:07 AM As part of a series about childbirth, Jeremy Dyen discusses the repercussions of bad nutrition for giving birth. In this birth video, he explains why poor nutrition might make childbirth more difficult, and even cause more labor pain. Finally, lots of good nutrition tips ar...
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:07 AM
http:/ As part of a birth video series, Jeremy Dyen discusses why having having a basic birth plan can make birthing a more positive experience. Many women go into labor without any plan, and it often causes a longer, more difficult childbirth, and even causes more labor pai...
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:07 AM
Here is more free info on pregnancy diets Keep both you and your baby fit and well before and after the birth
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:07 AM
http:/ As part of a birth video series, Jeremy Dyen discusses why over-educating on the wrong sources--such as on television or in the wrong birth class--is a common huge mistake many women make in regards to childbirth. He discusses why it may cause a longer, more difficult...
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:07 AM
http:/ As part of a birth video series, Jeremy Dyen reveals the single most important piece of advice for childbirth. In short, this piece of advice, put to practice, can make birth easier, more comfortable and faster. Furthermore, using this piece of advice, along with othe...
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:06 AM
http:/ As part of a birth video series, Jeremy Dyen discusses how learning good birth positions and pain management techniques works so well for childbirth. He explains that laying on your back during labor often causes a longer, more difficult childbirth, and even cause mor...
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From: YouTube on Mon, Jan 24 2011 6:06 AM
http:/ As part of a birth video series, Jeremy Dyen discusses what the love hormone is. He explains how suppressing it may cause a longer, more difficult childbirth, and even cause more labor pain. He talks about how this hormone activates labor and gives helpful ideas for g...
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