In Congress are pushing to extend unemployment benefits, as health insurance subsidies are beginning to run out for jobless Americans.
In a prime-time speech at West Point Military Academy, Pres. Barack Obama ordered an additional 30,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan, but balanced the buildup with a pledge to an impatient nation to begin withdrawing American forces in 18 months.
After 10 months in office, President Barack Obama has granted his first pardon — to "Courage," a turkey spared the Thanksgiving table. Accompanied by daughters Sasha and Malia, Obama honored the White House holiday tradition.
18-year-old Jared Christiansen isn’t letting his age stop him from thinking big. He is one of two Democrats aiming to replace Jim Doyle as Wisconsin's governor. Doyle is not running for a third term.
Sen. Nelson explains health care vote from his unique perspective in this extended interview on the subject from KLON-TV.
In the last election, both the Obama and McCain campaigns cranked up their advertising strategies, ignoring the soft, biographical spots in favor of the so-called "close the deal" attack ads. 23/6 presents a compilation of some of the shortest ads ever used in a political campaign.
Take another look back as Sarah’s "people," the ones trying to teach her, um, everything, were driven plain crazy during the Katie Couric interview. Watch more at
A person in a chicken suit showed up at a city council meeting in Durango, Colorado, as members discussed rules for keeping backyard chickens. The chicken’s identity remains a mystery.
As a lot of people taking issue with her new book, here’s a look at one Sarah Palin book preview.
The US Senate began a session on healthcare reform as it prepares to vote on whether to proceed with debate on the bill.
Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) addressed 9/11 first responders this afternoon on Capitol Hill. Following his speech, Mr. Schumer refused to say why he thought military tribunals should not be used to try terrorist suspects.
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner sharply rejected a call to resign from his job and told a Republican Congressman, "You gave this President an economy falling off the cliff.
West Virginia Sen. Robert C. Byrd became history’s longest-serving member of Congress on Wednesday, earning a formal salute from the Senate and President Barack Obama for his nearly 56 years of service.
Former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin’s much-anticipated book hit store shelves Tuesday. First day buyers explain why they want to read it.
President Barack Obama announces a summit to tackle high unemployment, a fresh check of the job market and a new video game smash hit. The AP’s Mark Hamrick reports.