From: voa on Mon, Apr 04 2011 8:50 PM
The endless cycle of violence along Israel’s border with Gaza prompts some Palestinians there to call for a unity government and peace with Israel. But for others, it adds support for armed groups that launch rocket attacks on Israel.  VOA Correspondent Luis Ramirez reports from the Gaza Strip.
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From: voa on Mon, Apr 04 2011 8:50 PM
Drug companies are struggling to develop new and more effective antibiotics to combat the growing worldwide threat from drug-resistant germs.  In this second of her 2-part report on "Battling Superbugs," reporter Vidushi Sinha examines the looming public health danger, and the challenges drug co...
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From: voa on Mon, Apr 04 2011 8:50 PM
U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday launched his campaign for reelection.  The announcement on a website video does not come as a surprise, but it does make Mr. Obama the first officially declared candidate for the November 2012 presidential election.  VOA’s Carolyn Presutti has more.
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From: voa on Mon, Apr 04 2011 8:50 PM
When it started last year, the non-profit group Project Mobilize, or Project M, hoped to change the political landscape in suburban Chicago by promoting Muslim Americans as election candidates.  So far, there are no Muslim Americans serving as elected officials in the Chicago area.  But as VOA’s...
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From: voa on Sun, Apr 03 2011 1:12 AM
The National Collegiate Athletic Association, better known as the NCAA, is holding its final four games for this year’s men's basketball season in Houston, Texas. More than 70,000 fans are expected for the games, the first two of which are held on Saturday, with the winners from those games...
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From: voa on Sun, Apr 03 2011 1:12 AM
With just one week to go before a possible government shutdown, President Barrack Obama and Democratic lawmakers are working to strike a deal with a divided republican party over the 2011 federal budget.  The debate has highlighted an ideological split about the size and role of government, most...
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From: voa on Sun, Apr 03 2011 1:12 AM
In a televised address to the nation, Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan has said the evacuation of residents from around the stricken Fukushima power plant will be long term. An estimated 70,000 people have been moved from settlements near the plant. Much of the population of Futaba town we...
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From: voa on Sat, Apr 02 2011 10:03 AM
Nuclear power plants are clean, efficient and silent. But they face complex safety issues. There is the danger of radiation leaks. They are vulnerable to terrorist attacks. And perhaps most vexing of all, they produce large amounts of waste in the form of spent uranium fuel, which remains danger...
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From: voa on Fri, Apr 01 2011 4:40 PM
Customs officials in Thailand have seized more than two tons of African elephant tusks in the largest haul of smuggled ivory in recent history.  VOA’s Daniel Schearf reports from Bangkok.
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From: voa on Fri, Apr 01 2011 4:33 AM
President Barack Obama’s decision to use military force in Libya, as part of an international coalition to protect civilians, is drawing a mixed response in Congress and among the American public.  The latest Quinnipiac University opinion poll found Americans opposed to military involvement in L...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:28 AM
As the World Health Organization prepares to mark World Health Day April 7, the U.N. agency is urging stepped-up international efforts to address the problem of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are posing increasingly serious public health threats, especially in hospitals.  Vidushi Sinha has...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:28 AM
A published report says U.S. President Barack Obama approved a secret authorization for covert efforts to support anti government rebels in Libya. This, as U.S. lawmakers complained Wednesday to top administration officials for not consulting Congress about America’s role in the international mi...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:28 AM
Now in its second season, the TV show "Glee" has struck a chord with audiences in the United States and elsewhere. The story revolves around the members of a high school student chorale group, known as ‘New Directions’. Every episode features the actors performing popular songs with complex chor...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:27 AM
As nuclear workers in Japan struggle to contain radiation from the Fukushima reactor, world attention is turning back to Chernobyl, Ukraine. There, people prepare to mark the 25th anniversary of the explosion that blew the roof off Reactor Number 4. Soviet planners designed Chernobyl in...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:27 AM
The former chairs of a commission established to examine the nation’s security in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11, 2001, say the country is still vulnerable to assaults by al-Qaida and other terrorist groups nearly a decade later.  VOA Correspondent Meredit...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:27 AM
Forces opposed to incumbent Ivory Coast President Laurent Gbagbo have seized the country’s official capital, Yamoussoukro, although Gbagbo forces still control the main seat of power in Abidjan. In another development Wednesday, the United Nations Security Council approved sanctions against Mr. ...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:27 AM
With gasoline prices rising fast in the United States and around the world, President Barack Obama on Wednesday used a speech at Georgetown University to outline an ambitious goal to drastically reduce energy use in the U.S. Mil Arcega reports.
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:27 AM
Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter on Wednesday wrapped up a three-day, private visit to Cuba, his second to the communist-led island since 2002, the year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. . The United States and Cuba do not have formal diplomatic relations, only interests sections that are ...
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From: voa on Thu, Mar 31 2011 2:27 AM
Virtual communities that share trading and investment ideas are becoming popular across the world of social media.   But when it comes to proprietary information, law firms are increasing their efforts to educate companies and employees on what’s legal.  The New York Stock Exchange hosted ...
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From: voa on Wed, Mar 30 2011 12:47 AM
Israel’s border with Gaza has been the scene of rising tensions. Palestinian militants have been firing rockets at Israel, some hitting within a few kilometers of Tel Aviv. Israel has responded with air strikes and shelling, further stoking anger among the Palestinians.
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