From: tubaah on Fri, Feb 04 2011 2:23 AM
The nursery admissions lists of most leading schools across the Capital have been declared and this year there have been more than the usual share of disappointments for parents who haven’t managed to get their child through any school despite applying to several. However, with the Right to Educ...
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From: tubaah on Fri, Feb 04 2011 2:23 AM
विश्वकप से पहले ब्रैंड प्रमोशन में क्रिकेटर जुट गए हैं। धोनी ने रीबॉक के प्रमोशन इवेंट में कहा कि सचिन को सभी प्यार करते हैं और वह भी चाहते हैं कि टीम इस बार सचिन को विश्वकप जीत का तोहफा दे।
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From: tubaah on Fri, Feb 04 2011 2:23 AM
मुंबई में कांग्रेस सरकार का एक और महाघोटाला सामने आया है। हजारों एक झुग्गी-झोपड़ी की भूमि को रिडेवलप्मेंट के नाम पर बिल्डरों को तोहफे में दे दी गई है।
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:17 AM
Some 1500 Indian students have wittingly or unwittingly become victims of the Tri-Valley University scam in the United States. After shutting down the University, authorities now face the task of culling out those who honestly were duped and those who tried to use the university as a fast track ...
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:17 AM
Suspected militants shot dead two teenage sisters from North Kashmir town of Sopore after kidnapping them on Monday. Speaking to reporters, Abdullah said, "Why this was done, I find it difficult to understand. Obviously no one has the guts to take responsibility and this brings out the contradic...
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:17 AM
Hundreds of people were in line at Chennai’s Chepuk Stadium this morning to buy tickets for World Cup matches when a wall at the stadium collapsed. Two people were injured. Chennai is hosting four cricket matches for the World Cup, including India vs West Indies on March 20.
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:17 AM
The protesters want nothing less than the removal of president Hosni Mubarak. They claim this is a mass movement and there is no religious significance attached to it. People will choose the new government once Mubarak steps down, they say.
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:17 AM
In a test of wills that seemed to be approaching a critical juncture, hundreds of thousands of people crammed into Cairo’s vast Tahrir Square on Tuesday, seeking to muster a million protesters demanding the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak.
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
The volcano in southern Japan sent out out a huge plume of gas, and boulders and broke windows miles away.
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
मिस्र की राजधानी काहिरा में लाखों लोगों ने राष्ट्रपति होसनी मुबारक के विरोध में सड़कों पर प्रदर्शन किया है।
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
यूपी के शाहजहांपुर में बरेली से ट्रेन की छत पर सवारी कर लौट रहे 6 युवकों की पुल से टकराने की वजह से मौत हो गई है। कई अन्य के घायल होने की खबर भी है।
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
Mount Shinmoe volcano in southwestern Japan erupted early on Wednesday, its sixth eruption since last week, spewing columns of smoke up to a height of almost 2,000 meters.
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
राजस्थान के अलवर में महिलाओं को ट्रैक्टर चलाने की शिक्षा दी जा रही है। सरकार इस कार्यक्रम को बढा़वा दे रही है।
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
While most Indians may have accepted corruption as a part of life, in death too it seems there is little respite. An NDTV investigation reveals how some of the best hospitals in the Capital demand bribes for getting an autopsy done when it is supposed to be done for free. New Delhi Health Minist...
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From: tubaah on Thu, Feb 03 2011 2:16 AM
External Affairs Minister SM Krishna has said that the government is not forcing Indians to come back from Egypt. He says the government has only issued an advisory.
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From: tubaah on Wed, Feb 02 2011 1:13 AM
An alcohol-detection prototype that uses automatic sensors to instantly gauge a driver’s fitness has the potential to save thousands of lives, but could be a decade away from everyday use in cars.
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From: tubaah on Wed, Feb 02 2011 1:13 AM
राजधानी दिल्ली में पिछले दो-तीन दिन से कोहरा छाया हुआ है। जानकारों का कहना है कि यह धुंध आने वाले कुछ दिनों तक छाई रहेगी।
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From: tubaah on Wed, Feb 02 2011 1:13 AM
उड़ीसा में पॉस्को के स्टील प्लांट को पर्यावरण मंत्रालय ने शर्तों के साथ मंजूरी दे दी है।
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From: tubaah on Wed, Feb 02 2011 1:13 AM
India has expressed its concern over students being radio-tagged because their university in California had been shut down on allegations of "visa fraud," but today, the American Embassy in New Delhi justified the tagging.
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From: tubaah on Wed, Feb 02 2011 1:12 AM
2-जी स्पेक्ट्रम घोटाले में एक सदस्यीय कमेटी ने अपनी जांच रिपोर्ट दूरसंचार मंत्री कपिल सिब्बल को सौंप दी है।
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