From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
After seeing Doug eat a hearty breakfast of pancakes and sausage, Carrie advises him to eat a light lunch since they?ll be going to a play with some work friends of hers. Not only does Doug ignore her advice, he participates in an egg roll eating competition during lunchtime. By the time the pla...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug and Carrie run into Father McAndrew at the fish market. They exchange pleasantries and as they are parting ways, Fr. McAndrew tells them that he would love to see them in church sometime. Unsure of how to decline politely, the Heffernans instead agree to attend Sunday’s services. During the...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
When Carrie and Arthur’s constant bickering begins to spiral out of control, Doug and Carrie decide it's time to send Arthur to a psychotherapist to find the root of his anger. When Carrie realizes that she actually enjoys making people miserable, she sets out to get some therapy of her own...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Carrie’s attempt at a new hair-do, a bun a la "The Librarian" - leaves Doug feeling completely turned off and not wanting to bring her to his upcoming class reunion. It's his one chance to stick it to his old classmates that HE is the one who ended up with the hot girl, but with th...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug and Carrie get free tickets to her firm’s annual golf outing at a private club. They have four tickets and usually bring Deacon and Kelly, but with their recent separation, things have changed. Not wanting to lose out on the opportunity, Deacon meets an available gal, Leslie, who ...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug and Carrie find an old, unopened wedding present - a gravy boat - from Doug’s cousin Ron and his wife Marcia. Little did they know that inside was a check for $1,500 that they never realized was there and therefore never cashed. Setting their sights on spending this check on a tri...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Carrie gets jealous when Doug’s attention is focused on Spence's new girlfriend, Becky, a professional chef. It's not her looks. It's not her personality. It's her food! Doug can't get enough and Becky comes to rely on Doug to sample all of her new recipes. Car...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Now that Arthur is back from the hospital, Carrie thinks that it is a good idea that she and Doug get life insurance. She wants to be sure that Arthur is well taken care of should something happen to either one of them. But this comes as a huge shock to Doug because he’s never thought ...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
While cleaning out the Heffernan freezer, Carrie comes across the top tier of her and Doug’s wedding cake, and reflects back to the time when they got married. As she takes a trip down memory lane, Carrie remembers her uneasiness prior to their wedding day and her desperation in needing...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug decides to buy a pumpkin to get into the Halloween spirit, but as soon as Arthur sees it, he smashes it and banishes the celebration of Halloween. Doug, frustrated by Arthur "forbidding" things, takes it upon himself to go all out with decorations and ends up scaring Arthur so badl...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
As Doug and Carrie’s plane makes an unexpectedly rough landing, Doug takes the only available oxygen mask for himself and doesn't think twice about Carrie. She is hurt that he would think of himself first, while he doesn't think that he's done anything wrong. It's no...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Carrie’s boss, Pruzan, has his first big case as partner, and Carrie is overwhelmed with work. To complicate matters more, the case involves testimony from a delivery driver and Pruzan wants Doug to be the expert witness because he drives for IPS. Although Doug is really excited about...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
As Doug is about to break what was once thought of as an unbeatable record, the tension between he and the guys at IPS mounts. For 18 years, Iggy Stenkowski’s record of nine hundred and fifty-one perfect delivery days has remained intact, and the guys resent Doug as he's about to beat it an...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Carrie is invited to her company’s retreat for the first time and is overcome with excitement. Doug is not so thrilled, however, when he discovers that he must spend the whole weekend sans TV. While away, Carrie mingles with the other lawyers and partners while Doug stands by very unco...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Carrie discovers that she is pregnant and she is panicked that the timing is all-wrong. Meanwhile, Deacon and Kelly begin to reconcile and Spence is left out in the cold and Arthur insists that Doug build him his own bathroom in the basement.
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
When the DMV tells Carrie that she has to wear corrective lenses in order to drive, Doug decides that he has finally found the perfect birthday present for her - laser eye surgery. Since Carrie usually hates his choice of gifts, he?s sure that she will love this one. But it turns out t...
0 of 5 Stars
From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug, Carrie and Arthur head out to the airport to visit with Doug’s parents while they have a short layover at Kennedy Airport on their way to Montreal. While there, his parents ask him to sign their Living Will, making him the one responsible for pulling the plug. When sister Stephani...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug lies to Carrie so that he can play mud football with his buddies and ends up sick in bed, plagued by guilt, watching reruns and old movies. While sleeping, he projects himself into the role of Ralph Kramden of The Honeymooners and his problems with Carrie are easily wrapped up in...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Carrie becomes concerned that she and Doug avoid real issues in their marriage with sex. So, she decides that they need to put their sex life on hold for a while so that they can focus on their communication skills the problem is, though, that once they remove sex from the equation, they find t...
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From: Sony Pictures Television Previews on Tue, Jul 10 2007 3:30 PM
Doug throws Deacon a paint ball party for his birthday and things get out of hand when Doug discovers that Carrie finds Deacon attractive, Richie still has a thing for Doug’s sister, Stephanie; and, a new guy, Jack Strohmeyer gets a little too into the military aspect of the game.
Eric Robert...
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