From: MSN Singapore on Sat, Mar 05 2011 6:47 PM
VIDEO:  At the National People’s Congress, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao acknowledges "great resentment" over growing income disparity, corruption and other problems and vows his government will take action. Duration: 1:04
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From: MSN Singapore on Sat, Mar 05 2011 6:47 PM
Coffee prices in Kenya have reached record highs in the past few weeks, as demand for what many believe is the best coffee in the world outstrips supply. But production has fallen at an alarming rate, as farmers abandoned the crop when prices are low. The remaining farmers are enjoying high prof...
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From: MSN Singapore on Sat, Mar 05 2011 6:47 PM
Up to 10 people were killed and more than 20 wounded in clashes between Libyan rebels and loyalists of Moamer Kadhafi in the oil town of Ras Lanuf, doctors said Saturday. Duration: 01:20
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Mar 01 2011 12:59 PM
Even better than therapy, and often extremely funny, "cringe nights" are the blushing-hot new craze in London night life. Fancy reading out private and embarrassing passages of your old dear diary? A few hot blushes and a rush of adrenaline guaranteed. Duration: 02:23
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Mar 01 2011 12:59 PM
Grieving New Zealanders wept and hugged Tuesday as the nation fell silent to mark the moment last week when an earthquake tore apart Christchurch and claimed hundreds of lives. At 12:51 pm Exception : '2351 GMT Monday' has an invalid token., exactly a week after the 6.3-magnitude quake...
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Mar 01 2011 12:59 PM
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Mar 01 2011 12:59 PM
Bahrain’s Crown Prince Salman said Monday efforts were underway to launch talks with the country’s opposition, which is demanding major political reforms amid a wave of anti-government protests. Opposition leader Hassan Mashaima, who returned home to Bahrain on Saturday from self-imposed exile i...
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From: MSN Singapore on Mon, Feb 28 2011 12:52 PM
Members of anti-government militias in Libya showed off captured weapons in the rebel stronghold of Benghazi on Monday. Pressure is mounting on Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi as his opponents close in on Tripoli and world leaders call for him to end his iron-fisted rule. Duration: 01:00
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From: MSN Singapore on Mon, Feb 28 2011 12:52 PM
In February 2010 Storm Xynthia tore through western Europe, causing the most damage in France where a million homes were left without power and some villages were under five feet of water. Now, a year later, many residents are still struggling to rebuild their homes — and their lives. AFPT...
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From: MSN Singapore on Fri, Feb 25 2011 2:41 PM
Militants in northwestern Pakistan blow up at least 11 tankers carrying fuel for NATO troops in neighbouring Afghanistan and shoot dead four people. Duration: 00:42
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From: MSN Singapore on Fri, Feb 25 2011 2:41 PM
Libya was on edge Friday as forces loyal to Moamer Kadhafi’s crumbling regime staged a bloody fightback in western towns near Tripoli and the east declared itself free of his iron-fisted rule. Duration: 01:06
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From: MSN Singapore on Fri, Feb 25 2011 2:41 PM
A French doctor returning to Paris from Libya has been speaking to AFPTV of the "carnage" in Benghazi as mercenaries flooded the eastern city while people rose up against the country’s ruling regime. Gérard Buffet also bought back footage he shot at Benghazi Medical Centre. Duration: 01:51.
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From: MSN Singapore on Thu, Feb 24 2011 1:34 PM
Italy’s Interior Minister Roberto Maroni on Thursday urged his European Union partners to help deal with what he termed "a catastrophic humanitarian emergency" looming in Libya. "We cannot be left alone," Maroni said as he went into talks between home affairs ministers set to look at a response t...
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From: MSN Singapore on Thu, Feb 24 2011 1:34 PM
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From: MSN Singapore on Thu, Feb 24 2011 1:34 PM
Tunisians living in Libya have been flooding back across the border to their home country for days. At the Ras-Jdir border post, several thousand have crossed the frontier in recent days, fleeing the turmoil in Libya with the little they can carry. Duration: 01:56
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Feb 22 2011 11:38 AM
Dozens of protesters gathered in the downtown Chicago plaza in support of a mass uprising to put an end to Moamer Kadhafi’s four-decade rule. The United States called on Libya Monday to immediately end "unacceptable bloodshed" amid reports that 400 people were killed. Duration: 00:24.
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Feb 22 2011 11:38 AM
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Feb 22 2011 11:38 AM
Paris has long been known for its discerning range of hotel options, and now there’s something for every man and his dog. A new "canine hotel" has opened in the city, where man's best friend can have a four-star experience while his owners are hitting the shops. Rooms start from 35 euros a ...
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Feb 22 2011 11:38 AM
Slaloming down the slopes in billowing cassocks in the tracks of ski-enthusiast the late Polish-born Pope John Paul II, Polish priests vie for the "papal cup" prize in the annual alpine ski championships for clergy. Duration: 01:49.
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From: MSN Singapore on Tue, Feb 15 2011 4:18 PM
British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled the newest recruit to 10 Downing Street on Tuesday: a cat called Larry with a "very strong predatory drive" for catching rodents.
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