From: iTunes on Thu, Mar 17 2011 2:53 AM
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From: iTunes on Thu, Mar 17 2011 2:52 AM
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:31 PM
Movie: "The Emperor Jones" is the 1933 adaptation of the Eugene O’Neill play. Starring Paul Robeson as Brutus Jones, an unscrupulously ambitious man who kills a man, goes to prison, escapes to a Caribbean island, and cunningly sets himself up as emperor.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:18 PM
Joseph Boyden is the author of "Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont", which tells us how the two Metis leaders shaped Canada as we know it today. It is part of the Extraordinary Canadians Series.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:18 PM
Author of "Forty Reasons Not To Have Children", Corinne Maier challenges conventional wisdom about the rewards of having children.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:11 PM
In a small patch of rainforest in Brazil, the last six survivors of a genocide dance.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 11:51 AM
Louis-Georges Desaulniers ( et Sophie-Luce Morin ( [flashvideo filename= width=480 height=272 image=wp-content/screens/MisereOptionnelle_Communication.jpg /]
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 11:49 AM
Jacques Languirand rencontre, cinquante ans plus tard [flashvideo filename= width=480 height=272 image=wp-content/screens/BenevantR_Peinture.jpg /] Rencontre en trois temps ( ( ( (
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 11:47 AM
El cineasta Bigas Luna comenta alguns dels elements fonamentals a la seva obra.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 11:47 AM
Xavier Antich i Claire Roquigny llegeixen i comenten poemes de Rilke.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 11:45 AM
Ni ells mateixos s’ho devien imaginar quan van rebre la trucada, però un cop de telèfon els va obrir les portes al ressò internacional. La Júlia Bertran ha tirat l'ham a la productora de videoclips Canadà, el trio les Aias i l'estudi d'animació Dvein. A fora, però, ja els han pescat.
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:45 AM
Hemp Seed Oil Dressing Podcast
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:45 AM
Oatmeal with Hemp Seed Protein Powder Podcast
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:24 AM
Brothers Brandon and Nevin Werner show you that history is funnier than you remember from high school. Each episode, they bring you a story from the past that’s not only funny, but 100 percent true (mostly).
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From: iTunes on Tue, Mar 15 2011 12:20 AM
An OAH Distinguished Lecture by Steve Hahn, "Why the Civil War Mattered." He is a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and the Roy F. and Jeanette P. Nichols Professor of American History at the University of Pennsylvania. Recorded at the tenth annual Idaho Council for History Education conference in B...
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From: iTunes on Mon, Mar 14 2011 11:50 PM
The Emperors of Rome series continues with Titus, the son of Vespasian and the second of the Flavian emperors. Download Titus
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From: iTunes on Mon, Mar 14 2011 8:00 PM
Dr. Fisher on the bloody consequences of the white settlement to the American West.
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From: iTunes on Mon, Mar 14 2011 5:55 PM
Learn how to fool even the toughest audience with this easy "memorization" trick.
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From: iTunes on Fri, Mar 11 2011 1:34 AM
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From: iTunes on Fri, Mar 11 2011 1:31 AM
C’est au cours des différentes périodes de prospérité du Moyen Âge, que naît véritablement le système bancaire français. Il accompagne le développement du grand commerce. Dans un premier temps, l'Église voit cette pratique d'un mauvais œil... Explications d'Hubert Bonin, professeu...
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