From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Feb 23 2010 2:56 PM
- George Cochran (Bing Crosby) and Harold Gridley (Bob Hope) are performing onstage and are stalked by young women who said they proposed to them.
- George and Harold find a way to escape the families of the young ladies.
- George and Harold have a song and dance comedy routine.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Feb 23 2010 2:54 PM
- In the Savanna, the lion is the most dangerous predator during the night.
- In this video clip there are two male lions hunting on their own, which is very unusual.
- These two lions are nomads who were most likely driven out of their prides.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Sun, Feb 21 2010 12:15 PM
- One poor little beagle gets lost and interrupts a football game.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Sun, Feb 21 2010 12:13 PM
- In this scene, Elizabeth Taylor and Don Taylor play expecting parents of a new baby.
- They are excited about picking names and planning the nursery, however, their parents take over and argue about the best name for the baby.
- The scene depicts the all-knowing grandparents, who seem ...
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Sun, Feb 21 2010 12:12 PM
- The Pickled Eggs stunt group from Australia perform a dangerous stunt in which three of their group members crash into a tower of plastic tables.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 11:04 PM
- Ray talks about the difficulties of jogging and staying in shape.

- He then jokes about living with his wife and his duty as the ?bug killer?.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 9:03 PM
- Louie Anderson uses improv comedy during his comedy act.

- He also uses his own personal experiences to tell jokes about flying on an airplane.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 9:03 PM
- This classic 1950’s commercial advertises the new Jell-O instant pudding for mothers who are too busy to make dessert during the day.
- It's so quick and easy "You can make it just before dessert time or let the children make it themselves."
- "The busy day dessert! It’s never to la...
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:49 PM
- Classic 1950’s jingle for Winston Cigarettes.
- "Winston tastes good like a cigarette should be."
- ?Gives you real tobacco flavor because the filter lets the flavor through."
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:49 PM
- The Sun Salutation is a complete sequence for warming up the body in order to prepare for other yoga exercises. The Sun Salutation should always be done before performing other yoga exercises.

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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:48 PM
- Classic 1950’s Mr. Clean commercial that still uses the popular jingle and phrase today.
- "Mr. Clean will clean your whole house and everything that's in it."
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:48 PM
- In the Savanna, the lion is the most dangerous predator during the night.
- In this video clip there are two male lions hunting on their own, which is very unusual.
- These two lions are nomads who were most likely driven out of their prides.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:48 PM
- She talks about why it’s better to have a female comic.

- She tells jokes about dating younger guys and the wrong guys.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:47 PM
- Jim Carrey performs his singing impression of Tom Jones.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:47 PM
- An original Crest Toothpaste commercial from the 1950’s advertising Crest as "The toothpaste that works because Crest is the toothpaste with Fluoristan."
- "By switching to Crest you too can cut your family's cavity rate almost in half!"

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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:47 PM
- While the football referees try to keep the game running smoothly, they get caught in the middle of a tackle.
- A hockey player tries to steal the puck for a break away, however, the break away fails when he looses his stick in the middle of a play.
- Unfortunately it was not this horse’...
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 8:47 PM
- On April 24, 1984, the discovery of the virus that causes AIDS was announced in Washington DC by US Health Secretary Margaret Heckler.
- A blood test was also developed that would be available to the public in six months of this announcement.
- "Today’s discovery represents the triumph o...
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 7:06 PM
- As a young actress, Elizabeth Taylor starred in this 1947 movie as Mary Skinner, who meets a boy from New York named Clarence Day Jr.
- The two meet for the first time and begin to like each other but their different religious beliefs cause an awkward strain between them.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 7:06 PM
Similar to the cat position, the “dog” position is a derivative of the different positions prescribed by Yoga. This position is to be secondary to the cat position, in order of sequence.
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From: EncycloMedia™ on Tue, Oct 09 2007 7:06 PM
- The double leg raise posture is an advanced hatha yoga exercise.

- While in this posture, it is important to try and keep tension out of the upper body.
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