From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
Blaine Mayhugh was in a hurry the afternoon of July 24, 2002, when he left for work at Quecreek Mine. Little did he know it was nearly the last time he ever saw his family.
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From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
Joe Sbaffoni — then Pennsylvania’s director of deep-mine safety -- remembers the late-night phone call that plunged him into a terrifying race against time.
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From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
When hijackers threaten to kill a second passenger on Pan Am Flight 73 and call for Mike Thexton to step forward, the 27-year-old comes to terms with his fate.
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From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
When hijackers threaten to kill a second passenger on Pan Am Flight 73 and call for Mike Thexton to step forward, the 27-year-old comes to terms with his fate.
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From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
Viraf Daroga, the Pan Am manager in Karachi, and passenger Mike Thexon recall the muddled moments before it was clear Flight 73 was being hijacked.
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From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
Viraf Daroga, the Pan Am manager in Karachi, and passenger Mike Thexon recall the muddled moments before it was clear Flight 73 was being hijacked.
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From: Discovery International on Tue, Feb 08 2011 4:23 AM
After discovering Officer Byron Sanders' keys won’t open the padlock on the prison gate, the inmates return to him and his fellow hostages ... and they are angry.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:44 AM
New research reveals that terror birds - large, prehistoric carnivores that evolved alongside dinosaurs - hunted their prey with quick, opportunistic strikes. Trace Dominguez reports.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
Stressed carrots can give you a big boost of healthy compounds, according to one Texas A&M researcher. He’s looking into the vegetable's response to stress in the hopes of producing more antioxidants than normal. James Williams reports.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
Researchers at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo's new genetics lab use animal DNA to diagnose new diseases, help in conservation efforts and solve mysteries. Jorge Ribas goes inside.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
We take a look behind the scenes at the Ark Royal, the flagship of the Royal Navy as it undertakes its final deployment before being decommissioned.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
The HMS Ark Royal carried the Harrier and 3 types of helicopter during its active service, these included the Lynx which is currently the fastest helicopter in the world and the Sea King, equipped with an early warning radar system.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
The male weaver bird creates a sophisticated nest by using the fibres from leaves, grass and twigs. This complex structure is designed to entice the female for mating.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
A crew member on the Big Eye falls overboard into shark infested waters.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
The rubber stress ball on your desk could usher in the next generation of robotic grippers. Researchers have built a gripper using a rubber membrane filled with everyday materials that can pick up anything from an egg to a glass of water.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
The rubber stress ball on your desk could usher in the next generation of robotic grippers. Researchers have built a gripper using a rubber membrane filled with everyday materials that can pick up anything from an egg to a glass of water.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
Security officer Carl Mason recalls the moment when all his and his colleague’s diversionary tactics had failed, and the first Somali pirate stepped aboard the Biscaglia.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
Four lion cubs at the National Zoo took a swim test to find out if the animals could climb out of the moat around the lion habitat if they happen to fall in. The test is part of the zoo’s larger efforts to build a lion pride.
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From: Discovery International on Sat, Feb 05 2011 3:43 AM
Why did a Brooklyn man send his iPhone soaring towards outer space? Discovery News' James Williams finds out.
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From: Discovery International on Fri, Feb 04 2011 3:30 AM
Disaster movies and sci-fi epics could get a lot more realistic thanks to the field of fluid dynamics, which is giving filmmakers new ways of creating better visual effects, from tidal waves to explosions. Jorge Ribas reports.
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