From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 16 2010 2:57 PM
In Germany, people jailed for grievous bodily harm and sex offenders can be held in preventative detention although they have already completed their time behind bars.This currently applies to some 500 detainees. But the European Court for Human Rights has ruled that this partly contravenes Euro...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 16 2010 2:56 PM
Die Briten sind Sportmuffel, viele haben Übergewicht. Die Regierung will jetzt mit Tanzkursen die Pfunde zum schmelzen bringen.Viele Briten halten nicht viel von Sport. Lieber konsumieren sie als Couch-Potatoes Süßes und Frittiertes, was ordentlich auf die Hüften geht. Der Gesundheitsminister wi...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 09 2010 10:52 PM
Józef Gawłowicz is a retired sea captain and a professor at the Marine Academy in Szczecin, Poland.His living room is full of souvenirs from his trips to far away lands.
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 09 2010 10:51 PM
Józef Gawłowicz ist Kapitän im Ruhestand und Professor an der polnischen Meeresakademie in Stettin.Er hat sich von seinen Reisen in die ganze Welt Erinnerungen mitgebracht, und so weht ein Hauch ferner Länder durch sein Wohnzimmer.
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Aug 06 2010 10:48 PM
A quarrel has broken out within the Left Party over its relationship to Israel. Again and again, members of the party have engaged in one-sided rants against the Jewish state. Now the quarrel is out in the open. Senior figure Gregor Gysi has stated that the opposition to Israel must stop and tha...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Aug 06 2010 10:48 PM
It’s almost become a ritual: when business is good, industry associations and politicians complain about the lack of skilled employees, and welcome those from foreign countries. Economics Minister Rainer Brüderle is now calling for premiums to attract specialists from abroad — but Chancell...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Aug 06 2010 10:48 PM
Part 6 “Esslingen - Closely Linking University and Professional Practice”Germany has numerous beacons of excellence in education and innovative models of training: the University of Esslingen’s Department of Mechatronics, for example. Here instruction and work experience are closely meshed. Comp...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Tue, Aug 03 2010 10:46 PM
The Amazon basin is home to trees, water and scores and scores of rare animals and plants. It is also the location of an enormous oil reserve. Decades of exploitation have devastated large parts of the rain forest, but up to now, Yasuni National Park in eastern Ecuador has been spared.It is home...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Tue, Aug 03 2010 10:46 PM
The Amazon basin is home to trees, water and scores and scores of rare animals and plants. It is also the location of an enormous oil reserve. Decades of exploitation have devastated large parts of the rain forest, but up to now, Yasuni National Park in eastern Ecuador has been spared.It is home...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Tue, Aug 03 2010 10:45 PM
Animals are treated like any other agricultural product. They are carted from point A to point B to suit merchants' preferences.Millions of sheep, pigs and other livestock are shipped or transported by truck each year. There are no official photos of the practice, but animal rights activist...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 02 2010 10:45 PM
Kriminalität, Drogensucht, Aids, Prostitution. In den Mathare-Slums in Kenias Hauptstadt Nairobi gehören sie zur Tagesordnung. Hier leben Hunderttausende in bitterer Armut. Eine Organisation hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, die Kinder und Jugendliche mit Fußball von der Straße zu holen: die Mathare Yo...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Jul 30 2010 10:45 PM
There has been worldwide shock at the tragedy in Duisburg, where mass panic in a tunnel leading to the Love Parade left more than 20 dead and hundreds injured. The authorities are investigating claims that the disaster could have been prevented. Even though the organizers’ safety concept had bee...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Thu, Jul 29 2010 10:44 PM
Folge 1: Türkei - Kusköy, das pfeifende Dorf Laut, schrill und spitz - ein Pfiff ist nicht zu überhören. Trotzdem sind Pfeifsprachen vom Aussterben bedroht. Doch in Kusköy am Schwarzen Meer setzen die Bewohner weiter auf pfiffige Botschaften.Ein "i" klingt höher als ein "a", für Konsonanten w...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Tue, Jul 27 2010 10:44 PM
Kinder bedeuten für indische Eltern Anerkennung und soziale Sicherheit im Alter. Je mehr Kinder, desto besser: so war es lange. Zwar ändert sich dieses Denken langsam, vor allem bei der städtischen Bevölkerung, aber 700 Millionen Inder leben auf dem Land - nach traditionellen Werten. Ihr Famili...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Jul 26 2010 10:44 PM
The Huon Peninsula has no cars, no telephone, and no TV - but it does have 76,000 hectares of intact forest and a population of 10,000. The forest is set to become Papua New Guinea’s first conservation area. As one of the first tropical rainforest projects to be set up under the Interna...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Jul 23 2010 10:39 PM
Thinking ahead is particularly important when it comes to education. We look the deprived Hamburg suburb of Steilshoop, where the children who attend primary school here have very little chance of moving ahead in life.Their families are often poor and cannot afford to finance or support their ed...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Jul 23 2010 10:39 PM
A villa on a lakeside is a dream for many people – and some of those who manage to fulfill this dream make sure that it is not disturbed by anyone. In Potsdam they have started blocking lakeside walks that were previously accessible to the public.Many nature lovers and strollers are now taking in...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Jul 23 2010 10:39 PM
Ole von Beust, mayor of Hamburg, is now the sixth CDU state premier to resign within a year. Chancellor Merkel is now rapidly running out of staff. The opposition are rubbing their hands, while the alarm bells are ringing for the CDU leadership.
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From: Deutsche Welle on Fri, Jul 23 2010 10:38 PM
Mit Ole von Beust, Erster Bürgermeister von Hamburg ist innerhalb eines Jahres der sechste CDU-Regierungschef auf Landesebene zurückgetreten.Kanzlerin Merkel geht mittlerweile ihr Führungspersonal aus. Die Opposition reibt sich die Hände, Spitzen der CDU werten die Rücktritte als Alarmsignal, sp...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Thu, Jul 22 2010 10:37 PM
Belgien und der Kongo - das ist auch 50 Jahre nach der Unabhängigkeit des Kongos noch eine offene Wunde. Nur wenige Belgier wollen sich mit der brutalen Ausbeutung ihrer früheren Kolonie unter König Leopold II auseinandersetzen.Abgeschlagene Hände, niedergebrannte Dörfer und Massenexekutionen w...
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