From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Dec 26 2010 9:22 PM
Peter Wawerzinek grew up in children’s homes - abandoned by his mother, who fled the former East Germany for the West. He's lived with the pain of this loss all his life. Now in his mid-50s, he's written a book called "Rabenliebe" (Motherless Child), which won the prestigious Ingeborg ...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Dec 19 2010 9:18 PM
"Jetzt mache ich einfach die traurigste Platte aller Zeiten", sagt Christiane Rösinger. "Ich habe permanent schlechte Laune", bekennt Sophie Hunger. Eine Generation liegt zwischen den beiden Musikerinnen. Die Eine: ein Urgestein der Berliner Indie-Szene, die Andere: der zur Zeit erfolgreichste M...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Dec 05 2010 6:24 PM
It looks to have been a resounding success; as EU Cultural Capital for 2010, Essen and the Ruhr Valley attracted some 10 million visitors and generated about 100,000 media reports. But what’s the legacy for the region? Has it been changed in any lasting way? Or will the arts go the same way as m...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Nov 21 2010 4:44 PM
Berlin-based architects Pysall.Ruge landed a prestigious job in the form of the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow.The lobby and main building are made of concrete - but have a distinctly light appearance.
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Nov 14 2010 1:39 PM
"It is impossible not to write. It is impossible not to write in German, and it is impossible to write in another way." That’s how Kafka described his situation as an author in the Czech metropolis. For hundreds of years, Prague was a city in which German, Czech, and Jewish cultures enriched eac...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Nov 07 2010 12:56 PM
Mitten bei der Vorbereitung für ein Tanzstück in Stuttgart bricht er zusammen, muss ins Krankenhaus. Eine Organtransplantation rettet dem jungen Choreografen Tim Plegge das Leben. Jetzt ist er erfolgreicher als je zuvor, zählt zu den Top 5 Choreografen des modernen deutschen Tanzes.Seine Tänzer ...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Nov 07 2010 12:56 PM
Tim Plegge collapsed while rehearsing in Stuttgart and was taken to the hospital. An organ transplant saved his life. Now, he’s more successful than ever and is widely seen as one of the top five choreographers working in Germany today.He's known to push his dancers to their limits, but the...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Oct 31 2010 1:55 PM
Gustave Courbet is seen as one of the great pioneers of social realism. But Courbet also had another side; many of his greatest works have a dreamy, sensuous quality. The Schirn Kunsthalle in Frankfurt is currently showing around a hundred of Courbet’s works.The exhibition offers a rich array of...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Oct 24 2010 1:54 PM
German boxing idol Max Schmeling was a legend in his own lifetime and enjoyed his greatest successes in the 1930s - i.e. before and during the Nazi era. It was life that was made for the big screen. Director Uwe Boll thought so too.He’s been hitherto better known for video games, but another Ger...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Oct 24 2010 1:53 PM
Er war schon zu Lebzeiten eine Legende und feierte seine größten Erfolge in den dreißiger Jahren, vor und während der NS-Zeit: das deutsche Boxidol Max Schmeling. Ein Leben, wie für die Leinwand gemacht.Das fand auch Regisseur Uwe Boll, der bisher seine größten Erfolge mit der Verfilmung von Vid...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Oct 17 2010 6:41 AM
TOP 3: Malerleben – Die Biografie von Jörg Immendorf TOP 2: Zukunft der Tradition – 100 Jahre muhammedanische Kunst in München TOP 1: 50 Jahre Leipziger Oper – Gefeiert wird mit den "Meistersingern von Nürnberg" TOP 3: Malerleben – Die Biografie von Jörg Immendorf TOP 2: Zukunft der T...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Oct 10 2010 10:04 PM
On October 4th, in the runup to the Frankfurt Book Fair, the German Book Prize is awarded for the best German-language novel of the year. ARTS.21 portrays the winner, Melinda Nadj Abonji, who convinced the jury with her novel «Tauben fliegen auf», whose title could translate as "Doves Fly Up".Th...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Oct 10 2010 10:04 PM
Zum Auftakt der Frankfurter Buchmesse wurde am 4. Oktober der Deutsche Buchpreis für den besten deutschsprachigen Roman des Jahres verliehen. KULTUR.21 porträtiert die Gewinnerin Melinda Nadj Abonji, die die Jury mit ihrem Roman «Tauben fliegen auf» überzeugte.Das autobiografische Buch der Schwe...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sat, Oct 02 2010 1:26 AM
Judging by the 2010 German Book Prize shortlist, German literature is becoming increasingly international.Three of the six nominees were not born in German-speaking countries, and their novels reflect their respective Czech, Hungarian and Israeli roots. The jury has welcomed German literature’s ...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 16 2010 3:01 PM
The Frankfurt skyline is shaped by towering structures made of glass, steel and concrete. It can’t compete with the cityscapes in New York or Tokyo, but it's one-of-a-kind here in Germany.With four new skyscrapers in the works, the view in Frankfurt is set to become even more dynamic. Our r...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 16 2010 3:01 PM
Michael Court could be a model - but you won’t see this Bremen-born 24-year-old on the runway. He works behind the scenes as a fashion designer.Court won this year's European Fashion Award with styles that combine excellent construction and a hint of Japanese influence. He makes high-volume ...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 16 2010 2:56 PM
Glas, Stahl und Beton himmelwärts. Mit New York und Tokio kann die Frankfurter Skyline nicht mithalten, doch für Deutschland ist sie einzigartig.Gerade entstehen wieder vier neue Wolkenkratzer. Unser KULTUR.21-Reporter war unterwegs im Hochhausdschungel der Mainmetropole. Eine "ArchitekTour" - n...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Mon, Aug 16 2010 2:56 PM
Michael Court könnte Model sein. Doch der 24-jährige Bremer läuft nicht über den Laufsteg – er entwirft Mode und hat den "European Fashion Award 2010" gewonnen.Mit exzellenter Verarbeitung und einem Touch Japan. Unisexmode mit Volumen. Jetzt hat Michael Court die Kostüme für ein Tanzprojekt in Ha...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Aug 08 2010 10:50 PM
From Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe, 70 architecture students were tasked with designing new visions for Dessau at a summer school run by the Bauhaus-Dessau Foundation. The city in eastern Germany is in desperate need of some fresh ideas: Dessau, once famous for the Bauhaus School, is ...
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From: Deutsche Welle on Sun, Aug 08 2010 10:50 PM
A wild hairdo, a striped T-shirt, and a silly expression: snapshots by Gunnar Hämmerle. He focuses on street style and uploads his photos onto the Internet.Now the art of the Germany’s best-known fashion blogger is to enjoy a high-profile stage. The NRW Forum in Düsseldorf is hosting the biggest...
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